Imposter Syndrome

When You Work Twice as Hard

And only feel Half as Good

Behind the Scenes: A Day in the Life of an Imposter – Can You Relate?

Picking up tasks, responsibilities, and loose ends – without being asked

Putting in extra time, care, and effort – to get it right

Filling in the gaps when others need help – being a team player

Going above and beyond expectations – even after hours

Not making a show about all your efforts – staying humble

Not given constructive feedback or a clear track for growth – true self starter

Experiencing surges of self doubt – and efforting harder – as a result

Rinse + Repeat

When You Work Twice as Hard

And only feel Half as Good

Behind the Scenes: A Day in the Life of an Imposter – Can You Relate?

Picking up tasks, responsibilities, and loose ends – without being asked

Putting in extra time, care, and effort – to get it right

Filling in the gaps when others need help – being a team player

Going above and beyond expectations – even after hours

Not making a show about all your efforts – staying humble

Not given constructive feedback or a clear track for growth – true self starter

Experiencing surges of self doubt – and efforting harder – as a result

Rinse + Repeat

What they didn't tell you

about Imposter Syndrome

It’s not just in your head. It’s wired into your habits.

And no matter what you do? It doesn’t feel like enough.

Always Striving never Arriving

Always Striving never Arriving

You don’t want to run in circles but
it’s hard not to when your told

You don’t want to run in circles but it’s hard not to when your told

Things will get better with time

It will be worth it in the end

Fake it till you make it

Keep calm, carry on

Always Striving never Arriving

You don’t want to run in circles but                   it’s hard not to when your told

You don’t want to run in circles but it’s hard not to when your told

Things will get better with time

It will be worth it in the end

Fake it till you make it

Keep calm carry on

Don’t fall for it.

Hi, I’m Sheaba – a licensed trauma-informed therapist –

And I can assure you that Imposter Syndrome is not something you grow out of.

It doesn’t go away with a scene change. It rarely shrinks with experience. Even when you do achieve goals?

You may climb up the ladder, but that doesn’t mean you’ll enjoy the view.

Hi, I’m Sheaba – a licensed trauma-informed therapist –

And I can assure you that Imposter Syndrome is not something you grow out of.

It doesn’t go away with a scene change. It rarely shrinks with experience.

Even when you do achieve goals? You may climb up the ladder,

but that doesn’t mean you’ll enjoy the view.

Hi, I’m Sheaba – a licensed trauma-informed therapist – and I can assure you that Imposter Syndrome is not something you grow out of.

It doesn’t go away with a scene change. It rarely shrinks with experience. Even when you do achieve goals?

You may climb up the ladder, but that doesn’t mean you’ll enjoy the view.

Why You Need


Your the kind of person who makes things as easy as possible for others

You stay out of the way and figure things out on your own

Stepping up to fix, improve, and support comes so naturally to you

And it would be so nice if you didn’t have to all the time

Why You Need


Your the kind of person who makes things as easy as possible for others

You stay out of the way and figure things out on your own

Stepping up to fix, improve, and support comes so naturally to you

And it would be so nice if you didn’t have to all the time

You Want to

Build more, Go further, and Live deeper.

But when you spend all your time and energy “playing big” for others?

You end up playing *very small* for yourself. This is the highway to burnout.

You’ve got everyone else covered. Isn’t it time that someone has your back?

You Want to

Build more, Go further, and Live deeper

But when you spend all your time and energy “playing big” for others? 

You end up playing *very small* for yourself. This is the highway to burnout.

You’ve got everyone else covered. Isn’t it time that someone has your back?

Do More by Doing Less

With the right support

What if you could trust the quality and value of your work. 

Receive positive and negative feedback in stride.

What if you could trust the quality and value of your work. 

Receive positive and negative feedback in stride.

Take the edge off performance anxiety and overthinking.

Request time off and not feel guilty or stressed about it.

Discover and sustain a flow state.

Take the edge off performance anxiety and overthinking.

Take time off and not feel guilty or stressed about it.

Discover and sustain a flow state.

Discover and sustain a flow state.

Let's make it happen

Hi, I’m Sheaba, a trauma-informed licensed therapist and TEDx Speaker.

You can find my talk, “Imposter Syndrome: It’s Not You, It’s What Happened to You” on youtube.

You feel like an imposter because your mind-body connection is programmed for hard mode.

This comes from years of conditioning on “the only way” to succeed.

Hi, I’m Sheaba, a trauma-informed licensed therapist and TEDx Speaker. You can find my talk, “Imposter Syndrome: It’s Not You, It’s What Happened to You” on youtube.

You feel like an imposter because your mind-body connection is programmed for hard mode. This comes from years of conditioning on “the only way” to succeed.

For a really long time

You’ve been living by someone else’s definition and playbook for success.

No wonder you feel like a fraud. The standard mold doesn’t fit you.

You’ve been living by someone else’s definition and playbook for success. No wonder you feel like a fraud. The standard mold doesn’t fit you.

You’ve been living by someone else’s definition and playbook for success.

No wonder you feel like a fraud. The standard mold doesn’t fit you.

I help you define success on your terms.

I equip you with strategies to rewire your mind-body connection and habits.

Together, we create a track that supports the way you work and thrive.

I help you define success on your terms.

I equip you with strategies to rewire your mind-body connection and habits.

Together, we create a track that supports the way you work and thrive.

Imposter Syndrome is not just in your head.

It’s wired into your habits.

Recovery requires a 360 approach.

How to get started

Next Steps

Book a Consult

You want to stop feeling like a phony or a fake. You’re ready to lay imposter syndrome to rest. Therapy is the space where we get to reconfigure how you think, feel, and treat yourself.

Gain New Tools

Right now you’re working with defaults from your upbringing and strategies you’ve picked up to cope. I’m here to offer something different! Grab what you need to dig deep and pull imposter syndrome up from the root.

Achieve Your Goals

You’re done feeling weighed down or held back. No more people pleasing. When you detangle from Imposter Syndrome? Doubt and guilt won’t trip you up. The freedom to make decisions that support the life you’re building will finally be yours.


Book a Consult

You want to stop feeling like a phony or a fake. You’re ready to lay imposter syndrome to rest. Therapy is the space where we get to reconfigure how you think, feel, and treat yourself.


Gain New Tools

Right now you’re working with defaults from your upbringing and strategies you’ve picked up to cope. I’m here to offer something different! Grab what you need to dig deep and pull imposter syndrome up from the root.


Achieve Your Goals

You’re done feeling weighed down or held back. No more people pleasing. When you detangle from Imposter Syndrome? Doubt and guilt won’t trip you up. The freedom to make decisions that support the life you’re building will finally be yours.